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A Whale of a Tale...

Be drawn into an irresistibly beautiful, but often dangerous, undersea world. Follow the lives of newly created animal kingdom characters, an amazing pod of Humpback Whales known as Northern Star, with a fascinating, very touching and surprisingly human take on life. Yes, there are humans in the story, too. Most notably, two Cetacean biologists who are not only desperately trying to "crack the code" of humpback speech and communication, but find themselves trying to decipher the signals of love that happen between them.

Birth of Angels

It has been said that adventure begins where plans end.

In this intriguing tale, you will see that played out to its most compelling conclusion. Two college friends set out on a fantastic journey that will take them down roads they never expected to travel. Along the way they discover so much more than what they set out to discover: truths about life, love and themselves that will change them forever.


**WINNER of the 2018 NABE Pinnacle Award for Best Book in the Category of Novel

The Movie

The Bell Witch Legend dates back to the day of President Andrew Jackson.

Based on the Bell Witch movie, follow the story of John Bell, the only person recognized by any state {Tennessee} to have been killed by a spirit. She called herself Kate.

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